ASIS&T invites you to consider supporting the association through your US Tax Deductible donation. The following donation opportunities are available.
ASIS&T Annual FundAll funds donated to the ASIS&T Annual Fund will be used to support ASIS&T's strategic priorities as outlined in the Strategic Plan as well as in communication from the ASIS&T Presidents.
Bob Williams History FundThe purpose of the fund is to support and encourage research and publication in the history of Information Science and Technology. Learn more about the fund HERE.
Scholarship FundThe ASIS&T Scholarship Fund supports membership for Tier 2 (Developing Nation) members who are unable to pay dues because of financial hardship or local banking issues.
Lois Lunin Award FundThis award endowed by the Lois Lunin estate will recognize individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to the practice of Information Science and Technology through leadership, mentoring, and innovation.
Doctoral ColloquiumThis fund supports the complimentary attendance of doctoral students at the Doctoral Colloquium and Annual Meeting.
ASIS&T Heritage FundTo advance preservation and access for resources documenting the history of ASIST and its field, including acquisition, conservation, digitization, deposit in archives and repositories, generation of new documentary resources (e.g., oral histories), and the creation of guides and indexes.
Information Matters SponsorshipInformation Matters (IM) is a digital-only communication translational forum for information science, bringing relevant and current research evidence and industry developments, news, and opinion to a global public audience free of charge.
Canada Chapter FundThis fund supports events, awards, and initiatives of the ASIS&T Canada Chapter. The Chapter promotes Canadian innovation, values, expertise, and research & development in Information Science and Technology. The focus is on “Canada” and its unique contributions and ways of doing things regarding Information Science and Technology research and practice.
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